Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Over the river and through the woods...

Better have your $1.90 ready when you travel through Kansas and Oklahoma. It's not the $1.90 that I would complain about, it is the fact that you have to stop and pay a nominal fee to use the worst roads in America. They also have people manning the booths 24-7, so they are obviously paying the workers and not fixing the roads. Even though the 90 year old toll boot ladies are way more interesting than the bland, desolate landscape, I still think we should just be able to cruise through and save some gas. Ironically, when the tolls stop, the scenery becomes majestic. It's Indian country just as you get to the end of Oklahoma -- a cruel joke, fo sho. Pretty much all you can do is eat through the hazy darkness, as the flat, monotone road hums underneath your tires...

As it is fall now, the leaves are all starting to change colors and the auburn and yellow hues sprinkle the countryside. Small rolling hills litter the sides of the road, which begin to cut through the Arkansas rock. 

Never thought I'd be so glad to see Arkansas. I spent most of my childhood making fun of the poorest state in the Union, but like anywhere else, there are good parts and bad parts. By the way, this is the first picture post with the new Camera! Hopefully, the picture quality will get better as I learn to wield my new sword.

With a little help from my trusty navigator, the van made it to the Bear cave.

Dad's house is on the 15th hole of Diamante C.C. and provided the comfortable stabilization, my weary bones needed. He's got an Italian guy from Milwaukee named Joe, who talks like he's from the Bronx, that is going to fix up the nagging little problems with the van. Beware of mechanics you don't know. The people in Denver quoted me horrible prices and didn't even have the right solution to the problems. Joe has the van now and it should be all good. 

So, what do you do in Arkansas? 

You shoot shit!

And hang out on boats!

And take the Guy to hang out with supermodels at fish joints. Can you spot the guy? Hint - he's playing David Hasselhoff.

And when there's no Grandpa around? You wing it.

Autumn and I took the boat out on a breezy afternoon, and tried to fish, but the water was way too choppy, so we ended up drinking gin and tonics and exploring Lake Balboa. 

Somebody has a little house in the middle of the lake that they really want everyone to see.

And that's the village, where the freaks come out at night, then go to bed by 9.

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