Wednesday, December 8, 2010

St. Jude Marathon Expo

Working Stiff

No matter how hard I try to get away from money and society, it creeps up on me and I have to do someone else's bidding for a little spending money. With the holidays coming up, I figured that I needed to make some X-mas present money for my family. I found a perfect gig doing charity work for St. Jude Hospital here in Memphis. They do a marathon, half marathon and 5k walk to raise money for the kids at St. Jude every year. I have always loved that Memphis is the home of the best children's cancer hospital. I couldn't think of a better cause.

I helped out the National Running supply, selling shoes and running accessories. I also took the op to pass out a few CoverFit cards. Can't beat free advertising. 

This show was right up my alley with the retail sales background. I killed it with the sales for this company. They had no idea what they were getting off of Craigslist. They even gave me a little bonus and much praise for the good work. It was a lot of fun and I met some really cool people while stuffing my pocket for the week and helping out a great cause. All in all, well worth the experience.

The funniest thing I saw was this booth across from us. They were selling the power balance bracelets. Now, I'm not sure if you are familiar with this item, but they claim that when you put on this magical bracelet, your balance improves. WTF?!? I watched this demo several times and this lady's expression says it all.

I expected them to break out a bottle marked xxx with snake oil in it at the end of each demo.

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